Sample Metadata Record

XML format

<dc:title>A Carib grammar and dictionary</dc:title>
<dc:coverage>Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil</dc:coverage>
<dcterms:abstract>The Carib language, sometimes called Galibi or True Carib, is spoken by some 7000 people living in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil. Henk Courtz's book, originally a Leiden University Ph.D. dissertation, contains a detailed description of Carib grammar and the most extensive inventory of Carib lexemes and affixes so far. The material is of interest to scholars in the fields of linguistic typology, comparative Cariban linguistics, Carib dialects, and to anyone who is curious to know more about the Carib language of South-America.</dcterms:abstract>
<dcterms:medium>Paperback, 244 mm x 170 mm / 6.69</dcterms:medium>
<dc:publisher>Magoria Books</dc:publisher>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:linguistic-field">Carib language, Cariban languages, Galibi, Karina, Kar?na, South-American indigenous languages, lexicography, dictionary</dc:subject>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:language">Carib language, Cariban languages, Galibi, Karina, Kar?na, South-American indigenous languages, lexicography, dictionary</dc:subject>

Display format

 Title  A Carib grammar and dictionary
 Coverage  Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil
 Available  2007-02
 Abstract  The Carib language, sometimes called Galibi or True Carib, is spoken by some 7000 people living in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil. Henk Courtz's book, originally a Leiden University Ph.D. dissertation, contains a detailed description of Carib grammar and the most extensive inventory of Carib lexemes and affixes so far. The material is of interest to scholars in the fields of linguistic typology, comparative Cariban linguistics, Carib dialects, and to anyone who is curious to know more about the Carib language of South-America.
 Medium  Paperback, 244 mm x 170 mm / 6.69
 Publisher  Magoria Books
 Rights  Copyright
 Subject (OLAC)  , Carib language, Cariban languages, Galibi, Karina, Kar?na, South-American indigenous languages, lexicography, dictionary
 Subject (ISO639-3)  [], Carib language, Cariban languages, Galibi, Karina, Kar?na, South-American indigenous languages, lexicography, dictionary

Metadata quality analysis

OLAC metadata records are scored for metadata quality on a 10-point scale explained in OLAC Metadata Metrics. The score for the above record (along with comments on changes that could improve the score) is as follows:

Component + - Comments
Title   1   0 
Date   1   0 
Agent   1   0 
About   1   0 
Depth   0.17   0.83  For the full score, add at least 5 more elements in addition to the ones counted explicitly in other components of the score.
Content Language   0   1  Add a dc:language element with an ISO 639-3 code to identify the language in which the resource is written or spoken.
Subject Language   0   1  Add a dc:subject element with an ISO 639-3 code to identify the language which the resource is about.
OLAC Type   0   1  Add a dc:type element that uses the OLAC linguistic-type encoding scheme to identify the type of the resource from a linguistic point of view.
DCMI Type   0   1  Add a dc:type element that uses the DCMIType encoding scheme to identify the generic type of the resource.
Precision   0   1  For the full score, make use of at least 3 more encoding schemes in addition to the ones counted explicitly in other components of the score. For instance,
  • olac:role on dc:creator or dc:contributor
  • use dcterms:W3CDTF on dc:date (or its refinements)
  • use dcterms:IMT on dc:format
  • use dcterms:Box or dcterms:Point or dcterms:TGN on dcterms:spatial
Quality score  4.17